Sunday, May 3, 2015

Africa's Education

When researching about the education in Africa, I came across an interesting article. I looked into this article and found out some interesting facts. There are 128 million school-aged children in Africa, but of those 128 million, 17 million never get the chance to even attend school. 37 million of the African children who do attend school, though, learn very little, so little in fact that they don't know much more after school than the children who had never attended school. 

Seven of Africa's countries have at least 40 percent of children that were not able to meet a minimum standard of learning by the fourth or fifth grades. Over 50 percent of students that are in school are not learning basic skills by the time they finish elementary in Ethiopia, Nigeria, and Zambia. Results have shown that 61 million African children will reach adulthood and still not have the basic skills that are required to have a successful, productive life. 

It has been found that there is an education inequality between the rich and the poor. Poor African's have a bigger disadvantage when it comes to education than rich African's have. Using Ethiopia as an example, 68.3 percent of the poor population experiences education poverty, while only 13.8 percent of rich Africans do. 

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